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iLauncher v3.0

Control your Pocket PC using the all new iLauncher, packing together the most important set of utilities to better manage your Pocket PC!

iLauncher is an all-in-one application that brings the most powerful utilities that are missing from the Pocket PC operating system to your Pocket PC device in one package. These include: A tab-based launcher Today screen plugin with various information widgets such as battery and memory meters, speed dial shortcuts, screen capture utility and more; A task manager context menu that allows you to track and control the current active applications; A true 'X' button functionality that really shuts-down running applications as opposed to simply minimizing them; A safe-mode protection utility that makes sure your device will always initialize correctly and much more!

- Tab Based Today Screen Plugin:
NEW! - Create special action shortcuts for soft-reset, power-off, screen rotation and more!
NEW! - Create speed-dial shortcuts to initiate phone calls to your selected contacts on phone edition devices
NEW! - Special screenshot utility to easily take screen captures of your Pocket PC screen
A fully customizable tab based Today screen plugin allowing you to create shortcuts to your favorite software titles organized in a tabbed interface
Customize shortcuts order and size. Support both large shortcut icons and small shortcut icons. Optionally add captions to shortcuts with full customization capabilities
Add meters to tabs: Memory, Battery, File Store, SD Card, CF Card and backup battery
All of iLauncher icons support both regular BMP files and TGA files. Display TGA icons with half-transparency levels for a better look on various today themes
Create New action shortcuts to initiate new items based on the device installed software, such as: new message, contact, task, appointment and more
Rearrange, add, remove, and name tabs
Full D-Pad navigation support
Add shortcuts to control panel applets
- NEW! - Task Manager and Real 'X' Close Button
Integrated task manager menu allowing you to close, minimize and activate your current running applications
Full D-Pad navigation support inside the task manager
Special dedicated commands section placed at the bottom of the task manager allowing placement of up to six different shortcuts for easy access on the task manager
Optionally set the 'X' close button to truly close running applications when hitting the 'X' button. By default, applications are only minimized
Define exception applications that won't be included on the task manager list or will be ignored when shutting down all running applications
- NEW! - Safe Mode Protection
Start your device in safe mode to protect your device from corrupted software installation that might lock your device in soft-reset loop
Using the safe-mode utility you can protect your device from corrupted services and save unnecessary hard resets that causes data lose
Easily uninstall corrupted software from your device after starting in safe-mode
Optionally use automatic safe-mode protection to activate safe-mode in case of recursive soft-reset loop
- NEW! - Special Actions and New Shortcuts
Add a special action shortcut for screen-capture. Clicking the shortcut will start iLauncher's screen capture utility to capture your Pocket PC screen
Add speed-dial and SMS shortcuts for specific phone numbers. Available only on Pocket PC with phone capabilities
Special action shortcut for soft-reset, power-off and screen rotation
Add shortcuts to create new items such as: New message, New contact, New task, New appointment and more
- Meters
- Top Indicator and Meter
- VGA, Windows Mobile 5 Support and General Features

Ну если быть по проще, то от себя скажу что это на мой взгляд лучшее решение для организации иконок на PPC, ну конечно это не WAD но будет получше SPB pocket+, правда щас многие со мной не согласятся... Но он гораздо легче P+ да и смотриться по красивей...Name/E-Mail: hdf
Serial: 530-GDHWBHCC-473

Категория: КПК | Добавил: hell (2006-11-07)
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